
Friday, June 27, 2008

Parsons Elected Clerk

Rev. Gradye Parsons was elected as the new Stated Clerk of the PCUSA on the first ballot with a decisive 57% of the vote. Parsons was the nominee chosen by the Nominating Committee.

PNC's Rev. Casey Jones came in second with 25% of the vote.

Rev. Ed Koster received 15% of the vote and Rev. William Tarbell was in single digits.


Jody Harrington said...

I'm posting this for Mary Marcotte, who had problems with the comment process:

I watched the proceedings on streaming video and was very proud of "our Casey." I share Jody's feelings about the salving effect of knowing that he and Vicki will not be leaving us.

That said, I hope folks in the wider church are listening and appreciating and will find ways to tap into Casey's wisdom.

Jody Harrington said...

I'm posting this for Mary Marcotte, who had problems with the comment process:

I watched the proceedings on streaming video and was very proud of "our Casey." I share Jody's feelings about the salving effect of knowing that he and Vicki will not be leaving us.

That said, I hope folks in the wider church are listening and appreciating and will find ways to tap into Casey's wisdom.