
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Stated Clerk Candidates Meet 'N Greet

Jerry Hurst and Casey Jones confer at the Meet 'N Greet.

Stated Clerk candidates Rev. Casey Jones (New Covenant Presbytery, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Pearland) and Rev. Gradye Parsons (Nominating Committee nominee and Director of Operations for the General Assembly).

Photos by Diane Prevary

From Stated Clerk Rev. Diane Prevary:

Wednesday, June 25: 218th General Assembly

Today the candidates for Stated Clerk were given an opportunity to "meet and greet" the commissioners and visitors to General Assembly. For two hours, each of the four men shook hands and visited with folks who dropped by to meet them and to seek their positions on various issues facing the church.

Casey Jones was supported by a variety of folks, and especially of note was Rev. Jerry Hurst, most recently of the Southminster Church in Missouri City, and currently an Interim Associate General Presbyter in Sacramento, CA.

After lunch, the assembly reconvened in plenary session, where commissioners heard reports from and acted on recommendations from several committees both in the afternoon and evening sessions. Election of the Stated Clerk will take place Friday morning.

Editor's Note: Log onto the streaming video to see the election live!

1 comment:

RevDi said...

Friends, you can also log into the live streaming video all day today (Thursday) for the discussions about several difficult decisions the assembly will have to make. The video-feed should be available all day and evening except during the meal breaks.